Wednesday, April 27, 2011

So I get my days mixed up... sew what?

 The Happy Couple as Spuds :)
Who has time to make this stuff?
 Future Queen of England and I suspect our hearts, age 5
Congrats Kate and William
Okay, I know its wednesday and I should be researching royal wedding stuff, but I'm not.  I wish Kate Middleton better luck than Diana and Fergie. I do, by the way, think she is a lovely girl and will fair much better than her predecessors, provided she survives her MIL, aka Camilla the Hun. What a beast that creature is inside and out, but enough judgement for today. 
 The Not Future Queen of England (divorcees not allowed to be queen)
 No wonder Prince Charles wanted to be her tampon (seriously... he text her that) I'd hide too if I was attracted to this
Camilla's the one on the right, right???
Yesterday I actually mixed up tuesday and wednesdays agenda.  Tuesday is Phood for thought and Web Words and Wednesday is Project update day.  What you got was Web Words and a boastful project update so that leaves PfT.

This week's Phood for Thought: 
"Strive not to be a success but rather to be of value"  Albert Einstein
"There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew" Marshall McLuhan
Marshall McLuhan- interested in the media? look him up

P.S. My apologies for not crediting the photos, I found them in the strangest places with no credit info. Let me know where they came from and I'll plaster the info in bold (or remove the pics... no problem)


Newton Curtains said...

I find it interesting, you did a great job! Its cute photos. :)

boston blinds said...

I found this blog so entertaining. You know what i mean. :)